Business and Start-Up Mentoring
Align Your Purpose and Build Success
Entrepreneurship is exciting but demanding. Work and life often blur, requiring adaptability and resourcefulness.
Every business is unique, and entrepreneurs face a varied set of challenges, often during periods of rapid scaling, growth, or setback. In the early stages, success depends on defining your brand purpose, products, and services while staying adaptable to market trends and feedback.
Later stages require a focused mindset of innovation and disciplined execution to fuel long-term success. Elizabeth’s support and guidance supports you to find the right thinking and outcomes to navigate growth. Her business mentoring is rooted in her own experience as a successful entrepreneur and anchored in behavioral psychology to help you ignite your goals and unleash you potential.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
— Winston S. Churchill
Elizabeth understands the varied skills needed to lead a business. With a wealth of experience, she can support you (and your teams) to think strategically and critically about the business and its short-, medium- and long-term objectives. If you’re looking for advice on how to accelerate your business, or take that next step, Elizabeth can provide a professional sounding board to deliver personal and professional growth.
If you’re looking to expand your thinking or need a fresh pair of eyes, then let’s start a no-obligation chat.
What Business and Entrepreneur Mentoring Will Support You in:
A business review — identifying short, medium and long-term goals
Defining your business, or brand purpose and values
Developing your brand identity and positioning
Developing your marketing and campaign strategy
Getting your new business off the ground
Creative brainstorming
Getting investor ready — pitching and storytelling
Road mapping go-to market strategies and the pathway for growth
Navigating partnership or team challenges
Learning how to more effectively lead and delegate
Overcoming personal barriers impacting your leadership
Negotiation preparation with customers, suppliers and investors
A partner to explore new possibilities and make significant business decisions
Optimising the business to for more efficiency and balance
Managing stress
Elizabeth’s mentoring support helps you when more prescriptive, hands-on guidance is needed.
Most small brands and brand owners are very reactive. Time is limited and often spent working on delivering to customers now, rather than make the space to think strategically, or plan. Small businesses who do plan for growth, often don’t get beyond working on delivering seasonal plans.
Elizabeth’s Approach Will Help You:
Develop a more proactive approach
Identifying short, medium and long-term goals that stretch you, and your teams
Tailored support to suit your specific needs
A blend of strategic planning and practical project management
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. To reach a new destination, you must be willing to take a new path.

Ready to Begin Your Mentoring Journey?
Click below to get in touch and arrange a no-obligation chat.